Frequently Asked Questions
Note: Click on the question to show the answer.
+ What is the William H. Gray III 30th Street Station Redevelopment Project?
A large-scale restoration and renovation project is now underway at the William H. Gray III 30th Street Station. The project will enhance the station’s functionality and improve the customer experience for Amtrak, SEPTA and NJ TRANSIT customers. The project will also improve the Market Street Plaza, expand retail offerings, and provide other benefits to the local community. This project is the second phase of station renovation following Amtrak’s recent façade cleaning and restoration efforts. It is also the first phase of the Philadelphia 30th Street Station District Plan. With nearly 500,000 SF of renovation and modernization, the William H. Gray III 30th Street Station Redevelopment Project is a critical step towards fulfilling the Philadelphia 30th Street Station District Plan.
+ What is the District Plan?
The Philadelphia 30th Street Station District Plan is a master plan. A master plan is a planning document which offers a guiding vision and set of comprehensive goals for future projects and development in a specific area. The creation of the master plan is shaped by input from community members, public agencies, and related stakeholders. Combined with an analysis of existing conditions and evaluation of important precedents, this input is used to establish a framework that describes the desired future outcomes. The master plan is the written outcome of the planning process that ensures that the ideas and visions of the process can be put into practice as projects and developments are designed and completed. The Philadelphia 30th Street Station District Plan was completed in 2016. The project website can be found at:
+ What is P3?
A P3 is a contractual arrangement that is formed between public and private sector partners. In this case, the arrangement involves Amtrak contracting with PIP as a private partner to design, construct, operate, maintain, and manage a facility. As is typical under these arrangements, PIP will invest its own capital and raise any additional financing necessary to design and develop the property
Benefits of P3s:
- P3s allow the costs of investment to be spread over the lifetime of the asset and, therefore, allow this infrastructure project to be brought forward in years compared to the pay-as-you-go financing that was an Amtrak alternative.
- P3s have a solid track record of on-time, on-budget delivery.
- P3s transfer risks to the private sector and provide incentives for infrastructure assets to be properly maintained by the private sector over an extended period, in this case for 50 years.
- P3s can lower the cost of infrastructure to the public entity by reducing both construction costs and overall life-cycle costs.
For more information about P3, please visit the Public-Private Partnership page.
+ Why was 30th Street Station renamed?
To commemorate Congressman William H. Gray III’s lifelong commitment and service to the United States and to international human rights, Congress passed legislation in 2014 to rename 30th Street Station in his honor as “William H. Gray III 30th Street Station”, thereby creating only the second Amtrak station in the U.S. to be named after an African-American leader.
For more information about Congressman Gray's life, please visit the William H. Gray III page.
+ How can I ask a question about this project?
Should you have any questions about the redevelopment of the William H. Gray III 30th Street Station, please visit the Contact Us page which provides several options to reach the project team. Options include: website question submission form, project email and project hotline.
Note: For inquiries related to Amtrak services, please call 1-800-USA-RAIL.
+ Will there be an opportunity for PIP to receive public input on this project?
PIP welcomes public input on the redevelopment of the Gray 30th Street Station. Several public meetings will be held to provide project updates and to receive public comment on the project plans related to preserving the station's historic elements and general station design. Additionally, public comments or questions can be submitted to PIP at any time. Please visit the Contact Us page for several options to reach the project team.
+ How many jobs will be created from this project?
It is anticipated that nearly 3,000 direct and indirect jobs will be created as a result of this project.
For more information about jobs, please visit the Job Seekers page.
+ Will the station redevelopment maintain bike access as a means of closing the last mile gap?
Bike paths and access will be maintained at the Station during the redevelopment project. Cyclists will also be able to walk their bike through the station to take advantage of Amtrak’s Bring Your Bike on Board Program, SEPTA’s bike and ride program, and other similar offerings.
+ During the District Plan there were talks of including a new bus station for long haul buses. When will that be completed?
The District Plan outlined a vision for the area around Gray 30th Street Station that included an intercity bus terminal to serve the city and region’s bus passengers. The bus terminal is not part of the scope of work that PlP is currently advancing, however, with continued talks with the District Plan stakeholders we hope to see the bus terminal in a near-term future phase of the redevelopment program.
+ Will the tunnel connecting the Amtrak Gray 30th Street Station to the SEPTA’s Market Frankford Line be updated for commuter use as part of this Project?
Amtrak and PIP are currently coordinating work with our partners at SEPTA to re-establish the underground connection between SEPTA’s Market Frankford Line and Gray 30th Street Station. Designs will be shared once the final scope and timeline are determined. Amtrak continues talks with SEPTA with hopes to see improved intermodal connections in a near-term future phase of the District Plan.
+ Will this station redevelopment project also increase access to local mass transit connections, such as Lucy and local bus system?
The 30th Street Station District Plan outlined a vision for the community and area around Gray 30th Street Station, including connections to local mass transit that serve passengers. While an additional Lucy terminal is not part of the scope of work in this first phase, Amtrak continues talks with SEPTA and UCD with hopes to see improved intermodal connections in a near-term future phase of the District Plan.
+ How will the redevelopment of the Gray 30th Street Station support federal environmental sustainability and resiliency efforts?
The Design, Construction and Operations work completed as part of the Station redevelopment will comply with the International Green Construction Code and the International Energy Conservation Code. These standards take a whole system approach to design, construction, and operation of buildings that result in better indoor environments and lower impact on natural resources than current conditions. For additional information on Amtrak’s commitment to environmental sustainability please visit
+ Does Amtrak allow unhoused people to shelter at the Gray 30th Street Station?
Amtrak partners with numerous agencies in Philadelphia to connect unhoused persons to services to help them through their immediate needs. Amtrak works directly with each unhoused person on case-by-case basis to assess their individual situation and direct them to an appropriate organization to best assist with their immediate needs. Additionally, Amtrak Police Department officers receive de-escalation and crisis intervention training. If there is a safety concern or emergency, please call (800) 331-0008 or 911
+ What is the Rising Contractor Program?
Gilbane's Rising Contractor Program offers certified trade partners an opportunity to develop and broaden their industry skills and knowledge. This free 8-week program enhances subcontractor competitiveness through increased knowledge and understanding of principles that are essential to owning and growing a successful business within the construction industry. Participants are offered an educational platform that supports the development of business acumen, while also familiarizing attendees with industry best practices.
For more information about the Rising Contractor Program, please visit the Inclusion Overview page.
+ When will construction be completed?
The project began in the Fall of 2021. Construction in various phases will start in 2022 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.
Construction will focus on:
- Corporate Office
- Station Retail
- Station Operations Consolidation
- State of Good Repair
- Market Street Plaza Expansion
A timeline of the construction schedule can be found on the Project Schedule page.
+ Once the Gray 30th Street Station is redeveloped, how will Amtrak ensure that the Station remains in a clean, operational, state of good repair?
The Gray 30th Street Station redevelopment project is being delivered through a Public-Private Partnership (P3) between Amtrak and Plenary Infrastructure Philadelphia (PIP). This arrangement requires that PIP finance the restoration and renovation of the station as well as operate and maintain these station improvements over the 50-year contract term. PIP has maintenance staff on site to respond to non-rail aspects of station operations and maintenance needs. For more information on P3 agreements please see Public-Private Partnership (P3).